About Us

Our Story

In the realm of real estate, the story of GSK Real Estate began in 2019, an odyssey shaped by the experienced hands of Dharmendra Das and Ashis Sarkar. With two decades of collective wisdom in the intricate world of real estate, Das and Sarkar set out on a mission to redefine the very essence of living spaces.

In the heart of their narrative lies the completion of a residential marvel in Dharapur, a testament to their commitment to craftsmanship and unwavering dedication to quality. The project not only provided shelter but painted a canvas of seamless integration between functionality and aesthetic appeal.

As the chapter in Dharapur reached its zenith, GSK Real Estate turned its gaze towards new frontiers. An ongoing project, like a beacon, emerges opposite the International Airport in Azara, Garal. Here, amidst the buzzing pulse of connectivity and growth, GSK Real Estate is weaving a narrative that marries modernity with the soulful spirit of its surroundings.

Under the leadership of Dharmendra Das, Ashis Sarkar, Raj Dey and Rajesh Kumar Das GSK Real Estate emerges as a beacon of innovation, seeking to transcend the ordinary with each project. Their commitment is not merely to erect structures but to weave narratives of passion, precision, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence into the very fabric of real estate. GSK Real Estate, a canvas of dreams painted with the brushstrokes of experience and vision, invites residents to embrace a lifestyle that goes beyond the conventional.
With two decades of real estate experience, Dharmendra Das has been a driving force behind his previous company's success. Renowned for his unmatched expertise in building construction, he's a trusted leader with a proven track record of excellence.
Dharmendra Das
Sr. Partner
Raj Dey plays a pivotal role at GSK, leading both sales and finance departments with exceptional expertise. Regarded as one of the cornerstones in establishing GSK as a reputable brand, his contributions have been instrumental in shaping the company's success.
Raj Dey
Ashis Sarkar has been pivotal in propelling the overall growth of his former company. His mastery extends beyond building construction to include sales and operations, rendering him a versatile asset in the industry. Ashis's contributions have consistently elevated projects to success, making him an invaluable leader in the field.
Ashis Sarkar
Sr. Partner
Rajesh Kumar Das is leading the operations department. His steadfast dedication and invaluable expertise have been instrumental in propelling GSK towards its growth trajectory. Rajesh Kumar Das embodies our core values, ensuring operational excellence and driving our commitment to delivering exceptional service to our clients.
Rajesh Kumar Das

Our Expert Team​

Our team at GSK Real Estate is more than just a group of individuals; With diverse backgrounds and skill sets, each member brings a unique perspective to the table, enriching our collaborative efforts and fostering innovation. From seasoned industry veterans to dynamic newcomers, our team embodies a culture of continuous learning and growth, constantly striving to push boundaries and exceed expectations. Together, we navigate challenges, celebrate successes, and above all, prioritize the needs and goals of our clients.

Shibashish Sarkar

Marketing Head

Arijit Dutta

Sr. Accountant

Dipak Rajbongshi

Site Incharge

Nantu Dey

Site In-charge

Sunit Paul

Jr. Accountant

Amitabh Sarma


Olid Hussain


Hemen Nath

Advocate, Gauhati High Court

We Provide the Best Service in Industry​

Building Dreams, Creating Homes: Where Vision Meets Reality.

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